Issue Position: Agriculture and Trade

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Agriculture is the lifeblood of Kansas, and we Kansans know our land better than federal bureaucrats. Puddles are puddles -- they are not wetlands. Ditches are ditches -- they are not navigable streams. Lesser Prairie Chickens are great birds, but the economic consequences of federally listing them as "threatened" are totally unjustified. Farm dust does settle and is not a visibility or clean-air issue to be controlled by unelected Washington bureaucrats.

In Congress, Dr. Marshall played a key role in the 2018 Farm Bill; advocating for fully funded crop insurance, overturning the egregious EPA rules surrounding Waters of The US (WOTUS), and securing crucial infrastructure and internet access funding for rural Kansas. Congressman Marshall also supported a food stamp work requirement that would require able-bodied adults without children to work or work training for 20 hours per week in order to receive welfare benefits.

In the Spring of 2018, Congressman Marshall was asked to represent U.S. agriculture at the final round of NAFTA negotiations in Mexico City. Since then, the new USMCA trade deal has been revealed, and must be passed.

Nothing would have a greater impact on the Kansas economy, and Congressman Marshall has been a vocal critic of Nancy Pelosi for refusing to take it to the House floor. Dr. Marshall agrees with President Trump that the United States has been taken advantage of for far too long, but we must consider and prevent adverse effects trade wars could have on our farmers and ranchers.
